Saturday, April 2, 2016

API query for stock quote

stripped down to select columns: Bid,Symbol from where symbol in ("GLD,VTI")&format=json&env=store://

Other columns are Ask, Volume, or * to get all columns.

Sample ways to query with JAX-RS and GSON:

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

AWS EC2, RoR, ruby...

Created an Ubuntu EC2 instance, then followed to install and setup ruby on rails.
for the postgres setup:
in config/database.yml set:
  <<: *default
  database: myrailsapp_production
  username: <linux user account here, also create user with same user name in postgres db for "create role" command>
  password: <db password from "create role" command>

Added a security group "custom tcp rule" to permit port 3000 inbound. Wasn't getting a response from ruby on rails after running 'rails server'. netstat -tulpn showed it was listening on To make listen on all ports followed , i.e. do instead: rails server -b

should try this later.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hadoop, Avro experimentation

Followed  but caution: I need to set the javac CLASSPATH instead to
export CLASSPATH="$HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/*"
export CLASSPATH="$HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*:$CLASSPATH"

when I used the jar command it failed at first. This post helped to get it into alternatives:

Used hadoop fs -put command to put the test.txt file onto the hadoop filesystem per

when running the MapReduceAvroWordCount application get errors similar to as described 
Added yarn.resourcemanager.address per answer.
jps command (see says hadoop services appear to be running.

this time didn't get same error, but job seems stuck.

issue and modifying hadoop config files to match single-node installation.
tests under single-node Testing section gave same error as before: INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server:
Reinstalling to local user dir per alexjf blog.
Still attempts to connect to
Reinstall Fedora, and set static ip address, Install JdK per
tried tests got error this time
Attempt to disable ipv6 using but resulted in OS instability. Forced reboot.
could not login.
try reinstall OS.
install jdk, enable ssh. Tried enabling passwordless ssh per
but would not work.
tried the hadoop installation and test from alexjf blog. It failed the test, pulling up the url, shows memory limit exceeded as cause of failure.
removed all settings from yarn-site.xml and stopped restarted using $HADOOP_PREFIX/sbin/ start etc. but got seeming infinite running.
used first set of instructions to enable passwordless ssh.
restart hadoop services and didn't ask for password this time. test still fails. 
modified command set --num_containers 1 --master_memory 512 and says completed successfully.

Trying on a Mac now per works.

Back on Fedora setup; retried MapReduceAvroWordCount and it worked. Next try writing schema based on Java class: How to convert schema to json representation (avsc file?) and use that instead of java class?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Setting up Authentication

Had an opendj installed on a Debian64 machine, just needed to reset the password for cn=Directory Manager
Followed just make sure when you copy into vi you ensure to delete the trailing white space heh.
Then I could run /opt/opendj/bin/status and enter the credentials successfully.
Tested connecting with Ldap admin using cn=Directory Manager
Connected. To set a user password under ou=Users, right click set Password, chose plain text and enter the password. Right click user again and select "copy dn to clipboard." Open another instance of the LDAP Admin tool, new connection, enter the IP and paste the dn of the user, enter the password, and verify with test connection.

In Java project create test class to connect following
Test same using and verify connected using dn and "simple" for the

Installed MySQL and created a database and user on the Debian Wheezy VM per

Following now to populate a user info object from session. Get right maven dependencies from and
Modify my.cnf to set bind-address to static ip. then /etc/init.d/mysql restart